> >> One thing that bears mentioning: "SPAM," all-caps, is a trademark of
> >> Hormel.  UCE (unsolicited commercial email) or UBE (unsolicited bulk
> >> email) should properly be referred to as "spam," lower-case.  More
> >> information is available here: http://www.spam.com/ci/ci_in.htm

> > The default value for subject_tag is ***SPAM***

Hmm, here's a thought.  Each SA rule could (optionally) be assigned a
"category" (porn, UCE, MLM, fraud, etc.).  SA could then tally up a
"category score" as well as a basic spam score, and the subject tag could
be selected using the category that scores highest.

Some rules, like being on an open relay blacklist, would have no category
and wouldn't contibute to the category score -- or DNSBL could be its own
category, just in case it was the only thing that matched, I suppose.

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