On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Harold Hallikainen wrote:

> THANKS for the help. I think we're getting closer. First off, in step
> 3a, was I supposed to delete the word BEGIN at the beginning of the
> block I deleted?


> I did. Second, I'm still getting complaints. Here's the
> latest entry from the procmail log:
> Can't locate Mail/SpamAssassin/NoMailAudit.pm in @INC

OK, you *do* need to get ~/bin/SpamAssassin/lib into @INC, which is part
of what the FindBin block would do if it weren't broken.  So, right where
you deleted that BEGIN block (that is, just before the "use lib 'lib';"
line) you should insert:

use lib '/home/harold/bin/SpamAssassin/lib';

and see if that doesn't fix it up.

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