On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Harold Hallikainen wrote:

> Sorry about the resend... but I've seen no response as yet. Can anyone
> help me with this? I'd really appreciate it! Perhaps I should just go
> back to a previous version of SA, which seemed to work fine...

The instructions in README are a bit out of kilter.  (For one thing, they
still refer to Mail-SpamAssassin-2.1 ...)

The problem begins with this:

    mv Mail-SpamAssassin-2.1 ~/bin/SpamAssassin

Because you ALREADY HAVE a ~/bin/SpamAssassin directory, you end up with a
~/bin/SpamAssassin/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.31 subdir.  The instructions will
lead you astray from there -- you've ended up with a mixture of your old
SA "installation" and the new one.  What you should do is:

1. Uncompress the SpamAssassin archive

2a. Move/rename your existing ~/bin/SpamAssassin directory out of the way,
for example
    mv ~/bin/SpamAssassin ~/bin/SpamAssassin.old

2b. Move/rename the created Mail-SpamAssassin directory where you want to
permanently place it in your user directory:
    mv Mail-SpamAssassin-2.31 ~/bin/SpamAssassin

2c. Change directores to the permanent directory
    cd ~/bin/SpamAssassin

The next problem is with FindBin and it's stupid attempt to find the name
of the current directory, which fails because on your system the root
directory is not readable by ordinary users (an equially stupid attempt at
system security that should have been abandoned long ago by all sane
system administrators).  FindBin is really only necessary for MacPerl (?).
So next you should:

3a. Apply the findbin.patch fix:
    patch < findbin.patch

Oops, I'll bet that file isn't included in the tarball.  It really should
be (listening, Craig or Jason?).  You'll have to get it from CVS:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/spamassassin \
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/spamassassin \
co -p spamassassin/findbin.patch > findbin.patch

If you don't have cvs installed, just edit spamassassin.raw and delete all
references to FindBin including the entire BEGIN block that talks about 
"WebMake" in the comment.

3b. Create the Makefile as usual:
    perl Makefile.PL

3c. Tell make that spamc doesn't really need all the libraries with which
your perl binary was linked:
    make CFLIBS=-lc

(What you put in CFLIBS depends on what was already there, e.g. in this
case it was -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt, so these exact instructions
won't work for everyone who might be reading this.)

Now go on with the instructions in README from 4. and see if you don't get
a lot farther this time.

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