On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 10:18:59AM -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 03:20:31AM -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> > Can you add a Requires: for package perl-Time-HiRes? (This is available
> > in RH7.3 and Rawhide, but for earlier RH it's in Power Tools.). I just
> It should actually be a Requires for perl(Time::HiRes) since some people
> may have a differently named package (I called mine "perl-TimeHiRes"
> for instance...)

May I just recommend that you patch the code so that it doesn't do the
use Time::HiRes ?
It's not required for normal operation, and it'll make your life simpler
for packages :-)

This also got fixed soon after SA  2.3x was released (i.e. SA will work fine
with or without Time::HiRes). Sorry that we didn't get to it sooner.

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