On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 03:20:31AM -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> Can you add a Requires: for package perl-Time-HiRes? (This is available
> in RH7.3 and Rawhide, but for earlier RH it's in Power Tools.). I just

It should actually be a Requires for perl(Time::HiRes) since some people
may have a differently named package (I called mine "perl-TimeHiRes"
for instance...)

I've updated the RPM and it's available in the same area:


> Perhaps during the build or install phase you can run SA against one of
> the test files to test for missing prerequisites that RPM doesn't catch
> itself. This should cause the packaging to fail, so at least an SRPM
> builder will see what's going on.

Well, the problem with that is that the build machine needs to be a fresh
install with nothing out of the ordinary installed.  Even then, what's
"out of the ordinary" if perl-Time-HiRes (insert other package here)
comes with the OS?  Should we assume it's installed everywhere?

> Alas, I couldn't get the newer Time-HiRes SRPM's to rebuild on RH7.2, as
> they're expecting some new makefile feature about install_vendor_pure
> which is either something new in RPM or something new in Perl. So I fell
> back to hacking the package from 6.2 Power Tools, which needed the Perl
> RPM epoch hack.


:)  Builds just dandy on 7.2.  There's a RPM available too, goes into
the perl 5.6.0 dirs.

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