On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 07:18, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 03:20:31AM -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> > Can you add a Requires: for package perl-Time-HiRes? (This is available
> > in RH7.3 and Rawhide, but for earlier RH it's in Power Tools.). I just
> It should actually be a Requires for perl(Time::HiRes) since some people
> may have a differently named package (I called mine "perl-TimeHiRes"
> for instance...)

Thanks, I wasn't aware of that syntax!

> > Perhaps during the build or install phase you can run SA against one of
> > the test files to test for missing prerequisites that RPM doesn't catch
> > itself. This should cause the packaging to fail, so at least an SRPM
> > builder will see what's going on.
> Well, the problem with that is that the build machine needs to be a fresh
> install with nothing out of the ordinary installed.  Even then, what's
> "out of the ordinary" if perl-Time-HiRes (insert other package here)
> comes with the OS?  Should we assume it's installed everywhere?

I was thinking of the admin who installs his own packages from SRPM
(like me), not one who repackages for others. He can then feed the
missing dependency upstream (ie. to you).

> http://www.kluge.net/ftp/pub/felicity/SRPMS/perl-TimeHiRes-01.20-2tvd.src.rpm
> :)  Builds just dandy on 7.2.  There's a RPM available too, goes into
> the perl 5.6.0 dirs.

Thanks, I'll take a look. I just looked at two systems, 7.2 and 7.3, and
I think the pure_vendor_install Makefile target is from the newer Perl
on 7.3. There's some new "vendorprefix" stuff in MM_Unix.pm that's the
likely culprit. I guess I can update the Perl on my 7.2 system (from
5.6.1-26.72.3 to 5.6.1-34.99.6).

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