EarthLink employs Brightmail too, but they have not purchased the virus
filtering package from them yet. Their spam filtering is ok-but I
would expect it to be better for as much as EarthLink pays for the
service-and considering that Brightmail deploys honeypots for every
network they have as a client (all of which feed their spam filters on a
global basis), it's often suprising to see some of the spammy garbage they
miss. The need for effective virus filtering for EarthLink is very evident
though--the virus spewage from them is awful. They were using a homespun
spam filtering service (inherited from the now-borg'd Mindspring) that
allowed them greater control over the rulesets and thus enabled some
control over some viruses. But EarthLink suffers from that perennial
corporate anxiety of "there's no way something could work *that* well if
we're not paying millions of dollars for it"--thus in-house projects or
open source developments like spamassassin -are sadly never really
considered as a viable filtering option.

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Bart Schaefer wrote:

> My DSL ISP (aka "the phone company") now offers Brightmail-based spam
> filtering.  It caught 8 of the 12 spam messages I've received since it was
> activated (SA caught all 4 of the rest, plus an mailer that
> scored 14.5 -- I'd add them to my whitelist but I'm too interested in
> seeing what score they're going to rack up next).  Unfortunately I got
> nine copies of one of those Brightmail missed, so on pure volume it's
> batting less than 50%.
> The ISP advertises their "Spam Detector" as protecting you against
> viruses, too, but it's zero-for-four on stopping those, so far.
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