Hi Michelle,

> Actually, I'm running spamd server-wide, invoked from a main 
> procmailrc.  In your scheme, spamd would be called only directly from 

So do I.

> the user's .procmailrc, right?  Would it still be possible to somehow 
> use the .no_spam_check method to opt out when using server-wide 
> filtering?

It is just a problem to find in /etc/procmailrc how to check if the
user's file exists or not. The question maybe better asked on promail

But I'd say that once you've DROPPRIV=YES then the procmail variable
$HOME should point to the users's home directory.

The receipt would become something like (check exact procmail syntax!!!)

* test ! -f $home/.no_spam_check
| spamc


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