> > Has the possibility of >> using the envelope headers instead been suggested to Craig Hughes? > >Not all mail system tells you what is the enveloppe. Unless your mail >system has a way to include the enveloppe inside the message headers, >then SA will not know about it. > >But if your goal is to offer a way for users to opt-out, not calling >SA would be better than using all_spam_to. It will even save CPU >resources. > >If you use procmail and users have a home directory, solution I have >seen mentionned is that users create an empty file ~/.no_spam_ckeck to >opt-out. And your procmail receipt would call SA only if the file does >not exists. > >Olivier
Actually, I'm running spamd server-wide, invoked from a main procmailrc. In your scheme, spamd would be called only directly from the user's .procmailrc, right? Would it still be possible to somehow use the .no_spam_check method to opt out when using server-wide filtering? .\\ichelle ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by: Jabber Inc. Don't miss the IM event of the season | Special offer for OSDN members! JabberConf 2002, Aug. 20-22, Keystone, CO http://www.jabberconf.com/osdn _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk