I have spamassassin setup in a sitewide config using RH71, SendMail and
ProcMail, all installed via RPM's.

I configured /etc/procmail as follows:

LOGDATE=`date  +\%m\%d\%Y`
| /usr/local/bin/spamc

I check the log file and I do see the message subjects and to which
mailboxes the messages are going to.  However I'm still getting spam
comming thru the system and I have also done the following to test that
everything is working...

 [eric@MosEspa eric]$ telnet localhost 783
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.

 [eric@MosEspa eric]$ spamc -c < some.message.txt

 SPAMD/1.0 76 Bad header line:
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 and I put 2 lines in some.message.txt file (spam, FREE CELLPHONE)

 so I assume that the 5.2/5.0 is the score for this message?

Can someone please help I must be missing something.

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