
I just did a test run from my shopping cart for a message we need to
send out to our customers - got a 7 out of 5 rating <sigh>.

SPAM: Content analysis details:   (7 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: X_EM2.31PRESENT   (1.3 points)  Found a X-EM-Version header
SPAM: X_EM_REGISTRATION  (1.2 points)  Found a X-EM-Registration
SPAM: DEAR_SOMEBODY      (-0.7 points) BODY: Contains 'Dear Somebody'
SPAM: FOR_FREE           (1.1 points)  BODY: No such thing as a free
lunch (1)
SPAM: CLICK_BELOW        (1.5 points)  BODY: Asks you to click below
SPAM: EXCUSE_14          (0.4 points)  BODY: Tells you how to stop
further SPAM
SPAM: REMOVE_PAGE        (2.2 points)  URI: URL of page called

I guess the 2.4 points for giving our customers a way to actually
remove themselves from our LEGITIMATE mailing list really puts us over
the top <sigh>.  And the X_ headers are killing us.  I also need to
check to see what the "free lunch" business is about.  I think it's
because we tell them that their upgrade to a product is free if they
purchased after "X".  Everyone is correct - spammers give legitimate
business a tough time!

Of course, unless customers are using SpamAssassin this isn't
necessarily a problem.  I have no idea if other anti-spam software uses
the same criteria for tracking Spam.


>>> Pete Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/21/2002 8:09:51 PM >>>
At 06/21/2002 17:49, Danita Zanre wrote:

>Unfortunately, we also get complaints from customers saying "I
>purchased such-and-such and was told that I would receive information
>about upgrades - I see there's an upgrade and I didn't hear from you"
>and we check and they have unsubscribed, or they did receive the
>but probably tossed it out in the mass of other spam they deleted

A nice argument for people doing legitimate business on the web to
start banding together and trying to do something about spam.  These
bottom feeders aren't helping legitimate business one bit, and may in
fact be doing harm.

Pete `-_-'

"I only touch base with reality on an as-needed basis!"
                -- Royal Floyd Mengot (Klaus)

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