I've installed SpamAssassin for our GroupWise system, and it is
fantastic.  Thus far out of 487 messages that have come in since
installation, 180 have been classified as Spam, and except for 2 cases
they really WERE Spam.  One does not concern me - another mail server
was not configured correctly, and a requested return receipt was flagged
because they did not have their domain name properly configured for the
daemon responses.

The second is a bit more problematic, and perhaps someone can explain
it to me.  Although it would be quite simple for me to add this to the
WhiteList or alter our own criteria to avoid these being classified as
Spam, this particular mailer (which is part of our external shopping
cart setup) sends email to my customers, and I'm afraid that as Spam
blockers become more popular we would be blocked from them.

Today I received a message from my shopping cart that a new customer
had signed up for our mailing list.  It was a simple three line message
containing only text, indicating that the new member had signed up, and
giving me the member's name and email address.  None of the text was
flagged as possible Spam, but the header was - here's the report:

SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results
SPAM: Content analysis details:   (5.7 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: X_SMTPEXP_VERSION  (3.2 points)  Found a X-SMTPExp-Version
SPAM: X_EM2.31PRESENT   (1.3 points)  Found a X-EM-Version header
SPAM: X_EM_REGISTRATION  (1.2 points)  Found a X-EM-Registration
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results 

Can you help me understand why these values would be "SPAM" triggers? 
My biggest concern is that these are probably going to be present in
mailings I send to customers (for example, notifying them when we have
new products, or when current products are updated) if I use the mailing
list  generator from the shopping cart.  We only send email to people
who have specifically requested that we have them on our mailing
list/have requested product updates, so it's important that our messages
not be classified as Spam by SpamAssassin or any other Spam killer

I will note that when I receive order notices from the shopping cart,
the "order status" indicator reverses enough points so that they are not
considered Spam.  And again, I realize that I could alter my own
criteria to avoid these messages being blocked in OUR system, but I am
concerned about the fact that these might be seen as Spam by other
systems we mail to.



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