Hi Sean,

> My ISP is also looking at SA but performance maybe a problem.

Yes, it sure can be. I've set up SA for a couple of ISPs on their Cobalt RaQ 
servers. Those RaQs are pretty outdated boxes (AMD K6/2 with 300-450 MHz) and 
performance wise they don't have much to offer. 

Even with SPAMd/SPAMc I usually apply some performance breaks like limiting 
SPAMd to accept only five simulteaneous connections (the -m 5 switch and not 
scanning mails larger than 60k). Otherwise the load would spike too much if 
too many mails come in at the same time. But with -m 5 they're doing fine 
with processing up to 9000 mails a day. If it's more than that I even skip 
the Razor checks to save on performance.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber


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