> Um, I just "fixed" it again, but it really should work now.  I still
> need to figure out why it was working for mass-check and not the other
> programs, but please give it a go.  Bleh.

Something's wrong with TextCat.pm in the current CVS, looks like a
misapplied patch. Somewhere around line 65 looks like this:

<<<<<<< TextCat.pm
  open(LM, "/usr/local/share/spamassassin/languages") || die "cannot open
languages: $!\n\
and the rules filename is $self->{main}->{rules_filename}\n";
  open(LM, $self->{main}->{languages_filename}) || die "cannot open
languages: $!\n";
>>>>>>> 1.2

Those >>> and <<< symbols aren't mine, they're in the file. There's also a
spurious ===== on line 57. Removing them made it run and the languages stuff
seems to work now.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
                -- Sacha Guitry


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