I added StormPost to my local list of RATWARE (I trimmed down
RATWARE some, and gave it a manual positive score), on May 1,
and it has resulted in zero false positives, and has caught (I think)
every copy of the "Joke of the Day" (etc.) spam since then.

There was a discussion about this, and about RATWARE in general,
around that time -- check the archives.   But I consider StormPost
pretty much a 100% spam mailer.

Michael C. Berch

On Friday, May 31, 2002, at 03:37  PM, Brian May wrote:
> Has anyone seen this header before? Google had no matches.
> X-Stormpost-To: <emailaddy> <numbers, possibly web bugs>
> It was one of the headers of spam that got through...


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