On 31-May-2002 at 09:29:47 Harry Putnam wrote:
> Still experimenting with getting my setup pretty close to a good
> working config, but suddenly ran into some problems I'm having trouble
> debugging. 
> I see no debug output that indicates a problem.  I'm watching syslog
> and catching every thing with `spamd' in it.
> So my first question is where should I be looking for the debug
> output?  I've made no effort to direct it anywhere so it should be
> defaulting to syslog shouldn't it?  Or at least it should show up in 
> procmail.log, which is set to verbose.
Have you set the syslog 'mail' level to debug - i.e. in /etc/syslog.conf
have 'mail.debug   /var/log/sendmail' (or whatever)?

(Don't forget to restart syslog as well.)



John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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