> We can't be using the same Internet, because a lot of the spam that I'm > getting has my e-mailaddress, and only my e-mailaddress, in the > To-header; your > rule would seriously hurt me...
I agree, although it might work as a low-scoring rule. I used to use a rule like this (in Outlook) as my only spam protection and it caught 90% of spam, but then the spammers got smart and it stopped working very well at all. That's when I switched to SpamAssassin... -- michael moncur mgm at starlingtech.com http://www.starlingtech.com/ "I have often depended on the blindness of strangers." -- Adrienne E. Gusoff _______________________________________________________________ Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference August 25-28 in Las Vegas -- http://devcon.sprintpcs.com/adp/index.cfm _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk