> I realise that it is not an intelligent thing to block mail where the
> 'To' field doesn't mention my domain name (mailinglists etc).

Actually, I've found that to be a VERY intelligent and effective thing to 
filter on, and I was rather surprised to find that our beloved Assassin 
doesn't do that by default.

So I wrote my own rule to do the check (listed below).  I give my rule a
score of 3.  It should probably be higher, but I find that's enough to tip
most otherwise-stealthy spam over the threshold.  

This rule has never given me a false positive outside of mailing lists,
and I explicitly whitelist all of the mailing lists I *want* to be
subscribed to in my user.prefs.  Besides, 3 isn't enough to blacklist it 
all by itself, and AWL usually takes care of the rest.  And it hits on
something like half the spam I do get.

Obviously, you'll want to change the argument to something more 
appropriate to your own address.  :-)

Is there a reliable way for SpamAssassin to determine my actual user ID?  
If so, I think something like the following would make a useful addition 
to the regular install--but then, I'm just a newbie around here.  :-)

In EvalTests.pm, I added:

  sub not_to_or_cc {
    my ($self, $pattern) = @_;
    local ($_);
    foreach $_ ($self->{main}->find_all_addrs_in_line
                          ($self->get ('To') . $self->get ('Cc')))
        return 0 if ($_ =~ /$pattern/i);
    return 1;

And in my user_prefs:

  header NOT_TO_OR_CC_DANT        eval:not_to_or_cc('dant')
  describe NOT_TO_OR_CC_DANT      Not To: or Cc: me
  score NOT_TO_OR_CC_DANT         3.0


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