On Mon, 27 May 2002 the voices made Duncan Findlay write:

> >  I have no idea where I'm heading with this, but I wrote it, so now you had to
> > read it. ;-)
> I have no clue what you meant by that last paragraph :-)

 Simply meant that I was going for some kind of solution; but when I started
thinking about how my .procmailrc is so long it's been cut up into 5 separate
parts, and how I'm using a cpl of perl-oneliners together with 5 perl-scripts
to filter my mail, not to mention my lil percmail-project, which is a pure
perl-replacement of procmail which I'm right now using together with
procmail... yeah, well, after all that I pretty much gave up on trying to
figure out how I'd like SA improved. =)

# Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards freedom! #
# Genom kunskap mot frihet! =*= (c) 1999-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] =*= #
-- Random epigram: (8/10)
"I'm sorry, but after reading this thread, I'm having a hard time
coming up with an explanation for this nonsense which doesn't involve
you being a dumbass."
        -- Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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