On 23/05/02 at 17:56, John Weissberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote : > Can anyone point me to a clear and simply explanation of how > to set-up SA with Postfix using either spamd or spamproxy? > > I tried 4 or 5 months ago back when bleeding edge was V2.0 and > was unsuccessful then. Perhaps someone has developed a good > solution now.
Hum, surely there are better tutorials, but this works for me (with spamd, on a FreeBSD 4.4 box) Postfix 1.1.7, procmail and spamassassin installed through the port collection. 1 in my .forward file : >---------------------------------- "|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/local/bin/procmail && exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 #usernamehere" ----------------------------------< 2 in my .procmail file : >---------------------------------- PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:. MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/from LOCKFILE=$HOME/.lockmail :0fw | spamc # all flagged spam is sent to another account # for later review. If it was a false positive # bounce to the right person. :0 * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes ! [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------------< 3 set the flags as you want them in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/spamd.sh (for ex: -c -L -a -d) and start spamd. 4 edit a /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf. Here is mine : >---------------------------------- # no subject rewrite : rewrite_subject 0 # a few precautions : all_spam_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] all_spam_to spamassassin-l@* ----------------------------------< Voila, it works good. For me. Best of luck. j. _______________________________________________________________ Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference August 25-28 in Las Vegas -- http://devcon.sprintpcs.com/adp/index.cfm _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk