Take a look at the FILTER_README in the postfix distro.

Basicly you set "content_filter" to send to spamproxy 

and in master.cf add an smtp server at the return port for spamproxy and 
overide the content_filter rule:

<spamp-port>      inet  n       -       y       -       -       smtpd -o\ 

That should be it. Mind you I haven't switched to spamproxy yet but it looks
like it does the same thing as my hack job so this should work.


--On Wednesday, January 16, 2002 16:47 +0100 John Weissberg 

> I am using Postfix as my MTA. I would love to have incoming mail filtered
> by Spam Assassin. Can some explain how to modify Postfix master.cf or
> main.cf so as to invoke Spam Assassin for each incoming mail.

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