Seems to me that coming up with rules to match on multiple received
lines would be the key... Although it's still forgeable you can probably
do quite a bit of analysis on it, such as it having to go through two of
ebays servers for an ebay email, and the dates/etc.

These rules could be even more powerful when combined with local

i.e. if you have a single local mail server, you might say "email from
ebay has to go through two ebay servers, and the server right after ebay
has to be the last one, and it has to be ours". Not sure how you'd
configure that reasonably though. 

Or more simply - "traversing received from most recent to latest must
start with local servers (if any) and then pass through ebay servers"
for ebay mailings. Since the last received line can't reasonably be
forged, this would be hard to get past.

It wouldn't be as high a score as whitelisting, but it certainly could
help the GA based scores.

-- Nathan

Nathan Neulinger                       EMail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Missouri - Rolla         Phone: (573) 341-4841
Computing Services                       Fax: (573) 341-4216

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Moncur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 7:52 AM
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Weird false negative...
> > I think the file really needs to go away. Forged
> >,
> >, and addresses are becoming all too 
> common in
> > spam...
> Or maybe there's a way to whitelist on Received: headers 
> rather than From:
> headers? I know these can be forged too, but I doubt spammers bother.
> --
> michael moncur   mgm at   
> "My sources are unreliable, but 
> their information is fascinating."
>                 -- Ashleigh Brilliant
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