Debbie Doerrlamm wrote:

DD> About 40% of the list mails coming in have been marked as spam with scores
DD> of 3-8. What I see is almost if not all of the mails marked so far are from

<5 isn't considered spam by default -- was that a typo on your part?

DD> AOL users (no real name) as well as other hits depending on the content.

NO_REAL_NAME only scores 0.6 -- barely will move a message towards spamminess.

DD> Here are the 2 I tried:
DD> in 20_header-tests:
DD> header TOPICA                    /X-Topica-Id/
DD> describe TOPICA                Contains word 'X-Topica-Id'

Header tests aren't formatted like that, try:

header TOPICA       X-Topica-Id =~ /./



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