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On Thu, 04 Apr 2002, Daniel Pittman uttered the following:

>>> Tony, I've been holding off on DCC until I thought it was a robust
>>> enough system to use. I'm still somewhat haunted by Razor's
>>> hiccuppiness in days gone by. In your experience is DCC nicely
>>> stable/functional now? I was very intrigued by the project when I
>>> first heard about it around 6 months or so ago now.
>>> In your impression of using it, is it ready to have the mailboxes of
>>> several million (potentially) SpamAssassin mailboxes hitting its
>>> servers? How easy is it to call out to DCC, both for verification and
>>> for submission of new signatures? I'm guessing when it's time to
>>> implement this in SA I'll have to sign up on the mailing list and get
>>> into some discussion with the folks working on it, but before I do
>>> that, what are your thoughts?
>> I downloaded and installed dccproc under Exim 4.02, it seems stable
>> enough but from time to time I get the following in my syslog:
>> Apr  4 07:43:17 tcob1 dccproc[23445]: no answer from dcc.rhyolite.com
>> (,6277) after 6534.07 ms
>> I hazard a guess that the server is too busy to handle all calls but
>> saying that in around 600+ emails I have only had this around 8 times
>> since 3am (IST).
>> I am toying with the idea of having a server as well to see if that
>> helps, I tend to get a lot of spam that hits several accounts at once.
> The system looks like it's very strongly tailored toward having a local
> server running at each site using it, then having a connected network of
> servers around the world talking to each other -- much the same way that
> Usenet or the DNS operates.

I think this is what it seems to be. I am downloading the server as I
type this  and should be able to comment a bit better then :)
> One of the big reasons you might see timeouts, incidentally, is that the
> query is a single UDP packet. This means that a transient network outage
> or a brief busy spot between you and the server would drop the packet
> and result in a timeout. This is, it seems, by design.

I think this is possible, it could also be that the open servers are for
people to test dcc and if it is what they want they to install the server.

> I don't think that it would be a good idea to configure SpamAssassin to
> talk to the central server run by Rhyolite, though. That's probably more
> load than they really want.

I maybe able to talk to my ISP but I am not sure if they would be
willing to host an open server. I would do it if this damn country would
pull it's finger out and give us DSL access.


- -- 
  Sean Rima                                http://www.tcob1.net
  Linux User:      231986          Jabber:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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