>See, but I don't want to store-and-forward.  I want to just pass what X
>says on to Z, then listen to what Z says, and pass that back to X. 

It's possible too, I was misslead when you use the word redirection.

It could be your router (provided it is based on a Unix box (or
Windows box :)) or any place where all your internet traffic is going

A nice location is where one would usually install an IDC. The "tee"
functionality beiong done with a simple hub.

Then the box silently listen at every packets and does this or that
with the packets.

If the box is sitting between X and Z (like a router) it can then
decide to abort the connection.

>Let's just imagine for example that this thing is a little black box
>with no storage, maybe just a few meg of RAM.  I can't store and
>forward, I need to just proxy it directly, possibly modifying the
>content on the way through, or possibly firing an exception if it
>notices spam.  I'm actually more interested in doing this on
>mail-pulling side (ie POP or IMAP) rather than SMTP actually.  So if
>user tries to connect to a POP server anywhere, if the traffic passes
>through my magic black box, the black box will intercept the mail and SA
>it as it passes through.

Whether it is SMTP or POP/IMAP traffic makes little difference (only
difference is to tell the box what to listen to), but how would you
install the box at a place where you can be sure the user will have to
run it's internet connection through it (except if the user is you)?

And also if the box is close to the user, it means that to check the
mail, it has already transited through Internet (sometime through
dial-up lines) so the network bandwidth is already wasted.

And also consider the way SA works (you are supposed to know better
than I do :) if I understand well, it needs to read all the message,
then process it, then send the result, right, there is no way SA is
working in a pipe-line, on a partial message (say 1024 bytes at a

Now your magic box could even be your Linux box, running your POP/IMAP
client in fact.


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