> So X connects to what it thinks is Z, but is really Y.  Now what I want
> to do is have Y open a connection on to Z, and transparently monitor the

Y would not "monitor the traffic" but really act impersonnate Z when
it talks to X and impersonnate X when it talks to Z.

But if you don't care one more received header in the mail, the Y to Z
can be done by normal sending.

SMTP being a store and forward process it is easy to proxy, the only
thing is that when X message is redirected to Y instead of Z, Y can
act in a way that X will not find suspicious.

Once Y gets the message, it can check it and queue it for delivery.

> conversation, essentially "tee"ing it off to a SA process.  If SA starts
> noticing spam, then fire off some exception.  But as far as X knows,
> it's just talking to Z, and as far as Z knows, it's being talked to by
> X.  I'm assuming nothing complicated like X and Z using strong
> authentication here.
> So, I understand how I can redirect any traffic from X on port 25 to Y. 
> But how do I get Y to know the address that X intended to connect to in
> the first place, so it can open the onward connection?  I suppose if Y

Humm, that's part of the SMTP porotocol, and if the message needs to
be queued, it will be saved somewhere.

If you have a company receiving email through their ISP relay, you
will have the email delivered to your.isp.com before it is forwarded
to your.company.com

I *think* that anyway, a mail relay always store the email before it
forwards it.

> was itself the router, then you could introspect the redirection tables
> or something, but is there some nicer way of handling things?


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