> This is possible when using iptables on a Linux 2.4 router.  (The code
> to emulate the expected delays, remote system prompts, etc. is left
> as an exersize for the reader.)

Yes, that I know, but the border routers are Cisco (talking about a
big ISP) and the most valid point to do redirection is the border of
the ISP domain.

One would not rely on a linux box for routing 150,000+ dial-up users
and I don't know how many corporate ones.

> ISPs who would consider this would probably just kick the spammer off
> unless there was a court order.

Spammers are customers as others, they are paying, so why turn of good
business :)

Plus it is fun to tar-pit them and look at them desperately search for
their junk :)

Plus if you kick them out, spammers will go to another ISP who is not
so carefull, and the spam will keep on flooding on the
Internet. Better to fight known enemies.


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