1) The fetchmail/procmail/spamc solution is probably the way to go --
install that on your high-speed-connected-not-yours machine, then
connect to that machine with your POP clients over dialup.

2) I don't know of anything that currently automatedly does the
compare-incoming-emails-for-similarity thing you're talking about, at
the sophistication level you're talking about.  A quick half-way
solution is to have a honeypot address, and just submit all its incoming
mail to razor before you run the other "real" mailboxes through SA.


On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 08:42, Sundial Services International, Inc. wrote:
> As clarified, the filtering is to be done on a high-speed-connected machine.
> Just not ours.  The pipe coming into our facility is a slow-dialup.  We
> don't want to employ any filtering-service.
> >At 06:26 PM 4/3/02 +0200, Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:
> > You'd still need to have a fast connection between the script doing the
> >checking and the server where the mail is, and if you've got that then you
> >might as well set up a server dealing with all the mail...
> >
> > I could most likely set up a filtering service for you, but since I'm not
> >already in the business you'd end up having to pay something like 50-100 USD
> >per month; so I recommend that you search on the Net and/or listarchives for
> >existing services.
> >
> >
> >     /Tony
> >-- 
> >Per scientiam ad libertatem. ©1999-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >-- Random URL (2/10):
> ><URL: http://www.apple.com/powerbook/ > *BSD, on the run, in style...
> >-- Random epigram: (4199/11671)
> >I think...  I think it's in my basement... Let me go upstairs and check.
> >             -- Escher
> >
> >
>  Sundial Services International Inc.
> =============================================================
> - Scottsdale AZ  (480) 946-8259; fax (480) 874-2068
> - Innovative solutions for complex database issues!
> - http://www.sundialservices.com/ 
> - PGP public key at http://www.sundialservices.key/pgp.key
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