Gregor Lawatscheck wrote:
> At 11:59 02/04/2002, you wrote:
>> :-)
> Well, if they were $5 a month (maybe they are but they don't say so 
> anywhere) they'd be interesting to recommend to people who're looking for a 
> good email solution. It seems to me that they're targeted at medium to 
> large businesses and charge accordingly - which is fine but doesn't provide 
> a solution for individuals or smaller businesses .

We charge about £2 per user per month, including anti-virus. We'll sell 
to pretty much any size business, but you need to be in control of your 
MX records.

I know the site's a bit sucky - it's scheduled for a revamp. Also 
checkout - the ISP side of the business (another 
pretty bad web site :-)


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