On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 10:18, Smith, Rick wrote:
> How long do you think it will be until users of SA face the same
> consequences as the now infamous ORBZ case ?
> I'm sure that some lawyer out there could find a way to sue someone for
> running this package.
The problem with ORBZ didn't have anything to do with anti-spam in
general, the problem was that the specific actions it used to determine
if a mail server was an open relay would crash lotus notes mail
servers.  ORBZ was shut down to prevent legal problems caused by
crashing mail servers, not by filtering spam.  www.orbz.org has details
of what happened, including the fact that the city government that
originally threatened them now agrees that the problem is a buggy mail
server and has apologized.

Jason Kohles                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior System Architect
Red Hat Professional Consulting              http://www.redhat.com/

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