On Sunday 24 March 2002 10:43 pm, Michael Moncur wrote:

> Matthew Cline wrote:

> > Right now there's test for spam phrase scores of 10, 20, 40, and 100. 
> > Why aren't there test for, say, 15, 25, and 30?  If we're going to test
> > for 40 and 100, shouldn't there also be a test for halfway in-between at
> > 70?  Is the current set of scores optimal in some way that I can't see?

> Actually the current scores are about as non-optimal as they could possibly
> get:

> score SPAM_PHRASES_020               0.0
> score SPAM_PHRASES_030               0.0
> score SPAM_PHRASES_100               0.0
> (all from 50_scores.cf in the latest CVS)

> Is the spam phrases system still broken? Or were these left turned off by
> mistake?

I turned them back on in my user_prefs file (forgot about that).  Out of 
around 600 non-spam messages, it only got triggered 8 times.  5 or 6 of them 
were for notifications from Yahoo! Groups that a new file had been uploaded 
to a group I subscribe to, and the rest were from subscription or 
unsubscription notices from mailing lists or web-forums.

I've added new tests for spam phrase scores of 15, 25, 30 and 35; I'll see 
how that goes.

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