g'day! quick patch follows...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Patch for SpamAssassin
From: "Ryan Snodgrass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SpamAssassin is rock solid!  Thanks for writing this.
So after having SpamAssassin running for a while in the base
configuration I decided to add Razor integration.  Except things didn't
necessarily go so well after doing the install and SpamAssassin started
failing mysteriously.  The problem was a Razor configuration problem but
SA should have been able to recover from this and at least handle in a
gracefully degraded maner.  The root of the problem was the die() if
Razor::Client wasn't instantiated.
In this case we should really just emit a warning and not die.  We want
SpamAssassin to continue to process the e-mail, just without Razor
checking.  Also in the event of an exception we want to make sure
$response is set back to undef so that this method returns as if it
didn't run Razor.  The following diff of Dns.pm shows the changes:
<     die "undefined Razor::Client\n" if (!$rc);
<     my $ver = $Razor::Client::VERSION;
<     if ($ver >= 1.12) {
<       my $respary = $rc->check ('spam' => \@msg);
<       # response can be "0" or "1". there can be many responses. <     
 # so if we get 5 responses, and one of them's 1, we
<       # wind up with "00010", which +0 below turns to 10, ie. != 0. <  
    for my $resp (@$respary) { $response .= $resp; }
>     if ($rc) {
>       my $ver = $Razor::Client::VERSION;
>       if ($ver >= 1.12) {
>           my $respary = $rc->check ('spam' => \@msg);
>           # response can be "0" or "1". there can be many responses. #
>           so if we get 5 responses, and one of them's 1, we
>           # wind up with "00010", which +0 below turns to 10, ie. !=
>           for my $resp (@$respary) { $response .= $resp; }
>       } else {
>           $response = $rc->check (\@msg);
>       }
<       $response = $rc->check (\@msg);
>       warn "undefined Razor::Client\n";
>     $response = undef;
Most of the lines above are reindenting due to the if ($rc) check.  Let
me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!



SpamAssassin is rock solid!  Thanks for writing this.


So after having SpamAssassin running for a while in the base configuration I decided to add Razor integration.  Except things didn’t necessarily go so well after doing the install and SpamAssassin started failing mysteriously.  The problem was a Razor configuration problem but SA should have been able to recover from this and at least handle in a gracefully degraded maner.  The root of the problem was the die() if Razor::Client wasn’t instantiated.


In this case we should really just emit a warning and not die.  We want SpamAssassin to continue to process the e-mail, just without Razor checking.  Also in the event of an exception we want to make sure $response is set back to undef so that this method returns as if it didn’t run Razor.  The following diff of Dns.pm shows the changes:



<     die "undefined Razor::Client\n" if (!$rc);


<     my $ver $Razor::Client::VERSION;

<     if ($ver >= 1.12) {

<       my $respary = $rc->check ('spam' => \@msg);

<       # response can be "0" or "1". there can be many responses.

<       # so if we get 5 responses, and one of them's 1, we

<       # wind up with "00010", which +0 below turns to 10, ie. != 0.

<       for my $resp (@$respary) { $response .= $resp; }


>     if ($rc) {

>       my $ver = $Razor::Client::VERSION;

>       if ($ver >= 1.12) {

>           my $respary = $rc->check ('spam' => \@msg);

>           # response can be "0" or "1". there can be many responses.

>           # so if we get 5 responses, and one of them's 1, we

>           # wind up with "00010", which +0 below turns to 10, ie. != 0.

>           for my $resp (@$respary) { $response .= $resp; }


>       } else {

>           $response = $rc->check (\@msg);

>       }


<       $response = $rc->check (\@msg);


>       warn "undefined Razor::Client\n";


>     $response = undef;


Most of the lines above are reindenting due to the if ($rc) check.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!





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