Currenlt, INVALID_MSGID doesn't catch message IDs like
<026b10d87e4c$8543d8d6$8ad36ae8@ihervr>, because it only requires that there
be something after the "@".  I've changed it so that it requires something like
a normal host name after the "@" (with at least one "." in it).  While I was at
it, I replaced "[^\s]" with "\S", and changed the pattern for
<foobar@[mumble]> type message IDs so that it will only match a series of digits
and dots.  Of course, this would match <foobar@[1....2]>, but spammers are
going to go to the trouble of making a message ID like that, they'll probably go
all the way and make a valid numeric IP adress.

header INVALID_MSGID Message-Id !~ 
/^<(?:\".+\"|\S+)\@(?:\[[\.\d]+\]|(?:[-\w]+\.)+\w+)>$/ [if-unset: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

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