On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Matthew Cline wrote:

> On Monday 11 March 2002 06:46 pm, Charlie Watts wrote:
> > Did you play it? (or at least look at it more closely)
> Ah.  It's file type *is* "MS-DOS executable (EXE), OS/2 or MS Windows", so I
> guess it's a virus.  And the raw text of the message has:
> Content-Type: audio/x-wav;
>         name=speedtest[1].exe
> I thought that naming the file a .exe was strange, but I'm not enough of a
> Windows person to realize that it meant a virus.

I have a simple test to determine if any windows executable that I
received via E-mail is a virus or not:

If I received it, it's a virus.

I can't remember having sent or received a legit .exe (or .pif, or .scr)
in E-mail, ever.

Lots of .zip's, but no directly-executable files.

This -despite- using a PC during the day for the last 4 years.

Wanna see how -really- stupid Windows is? Look up ".shs" for a scary file

Charlie Watts

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