I just got a spam that slipped through SA, which is only a sound file; since 
you can't find spammish words and phrases in a sound file, it'll get past any 
filters that there might be.

The same spam had another intersting technique, like thus (after decoidng 

<iframe src=cid:V34tfyBO41605h49r height=0 width=0>

Since "V34tfyBO41605h49r" is the sound file, a mail reader with better HTML 
rendering would have created a frame with the sound file as it's source, thus 
automatically playing it.  No need to click an attachment; just look at that 
message and it starts blaring out it's message at you.

We should probably check for frames and iframes that have a height or width 
of zero, since invisible frames are probably up to no good.

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