> Did you play it? (or at least look at it more closely) Is it really a
> sound file? Some viruses lately are wandering around with different
> filenames and content-types. foo.exe and audio/wav, that sort of thing.
> (I'll bet that /<i?frame /i itself is a decent spam indicator ...)

I think that would be a great addition to SA, although I see more virus emails
formatted like that than actual spam. I'm trying the following in my custom
rules file:

rawbody HTML_FRAMES     /<i?frame /i
describe HTML_FRAMES    HTML with an embedded frame
score HTML_FRAMES       4.0

(Actually I'm using Outlook 2000 and I still don't see or hear the content
anyway, since I have iframes turned off in the security settings.)

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind."
                -- Marston Bates

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