--On Saturday, March 09, 2002 6:24 PM -0500 Duncan Findlay 

> Define 'cleaner structure.'

This goes back to my original request that some of the directories 
currently used be combined so that configuration files reside in at most 
two places (not including the per-user directory ~/.spamassassin): the 
sitewide default templates (overwritten with an upgrade), and the files 
used by each site to override the defaults. Additionally, the perl prefix 
directory should be searched because that varies by site, and can be 
determined from perl.

I think this thread has covered enough opinions, and the pros and cons of 
each. I'm sure the maintainers will implement the best solution when they 
see fit (or have the time).


Timothy Demarest                      ArrayComm, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                2480 North 1st Street, Suite 200
http://www.arraycomm.com              San Jose, CA 95131

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