On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Daniel Pittman wrote:

> > Low-hanging fruit, though it's out of date these days, catch
> > the snowhite virus since it's there:
> >
> > header SNOWWHITE_VIRUS         Subject =~ /Snowwhite.*REAL story/
> > describe SNOWWHITE_VIRUS       The snow white virus
> > score SNOWWHITE_VIRUS   10
> Don't you have a virus scanner?  There are a number of packages out
> there, based on heuristic detection and table detection, that specialize
> in finding these things.
> One of them, MIMEsweeper, even integrates with SpamAssassin trivially.
> If /you/ want SpamAssassin as part of sweeping your inbound email for
> virus signatures, why not try that?
> Catching a couple of the hundreds of exploits out there for Windows
> systems is a waste of time for many of us who either (a) run a virus
> scanner or (b) don't want to scan for this sort of thing.
> You really will get better results using a tool designed for filtering
> that sort of content to filter it.

I've stated before that I personally am not interested in extending
SpamAssassin to be an anti-virus tool. We have here at work one of the
world's best AV tools (and written in Perl too), but the code for
detecting viruses is *very* different from detecting spam. I'm even
strongly considering removing the two or three rules in there so far that
are aimed at viruses.

<:->get a SMart net</:->

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