On Friday 08 March 2002 12:42 am, Rob McMillin wrote:
> Matthew Cline wrote:
> >First a few rules to match non-spam:
> >
> >  body     SIGNATURE_DELIM        /^-- $/
> >  describe SIGNATURE_DELIM        Standard signature delimiter present
> >
> >While there would be no effort in faking this, it might take a while for
> > some of the spammers to catch on.
> I have a question -- is this supposed to be a negative score? I mean, it
> looks like it should be, but it would be useful if you could give scores
> for these.

Yes, it should.  I wasn't including scores, since I didn't want to argue 
about those things on the list, but let the GA take care of it.  But I guess 
I should have indicated it for rules that'd have a negative score..

> >header   MAJORDOMO              Subject =~ /Majordomo (?:request
> > )?results/ describe MAJORDOMO              From Majordomo
> >
> >Majordomo results should definetly not be marked as spam, and spammers are
> > probably unlike to stick "Majordomo results" in their subject.
> Concur, but no more than -1.

Along the same lines:

body     EZMLM                  /Hi! This is the ezmlm program\./
describe EZMLM                  ezmlm control message

score    EZMLM                  -1.0

> >body     AS_SEEN_ON             /as seen
> > on(?::|\s*(?:NATIONAL|TV|ABC|NBC|CBS|CNN|Oprah|USA Today|48 Hours|New
> > York Times))/i
> What does the second half of the second group buy you? Wouldn't this
> match on
> as seen on:
> but also
> as seen on <any phrase above>
> but not
> as seen on: ABC TV

I figured that "as seen on:" would be spammish, no matter what followed it, 
and "as seen on Oprah" would be spammish, but that there might be some 
non-spammish uses for "as seen on ".  I can't think of any non-spammish uses, 
but I wanted to be conservative...

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