On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 09:14:18AM +0000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> I'm not sure how Vipul is going to do this (I don't follow the Razor list
> since Razor is so unreliable that we don't use it). I spent a week
> investigating Nilsimsa, even wrote a perl module for it (which I may
> release if I get permission), but the problem is that you have to run the
> nilsimsa check over every single hash in the database before you know you
> have an approximate match. This gets slow. I generated about 50,000
> nilsimsa hashes as a test, and running the nilsimsa test on those took
> over a second. Way too long.

Matt - could you quantify your test a bit?  What kind of cpu was used to
process the benchmark?  I've heard some rumor to the affect that there are
a few optimized searching algorithms for nilsimsa that have appeared that
could resolve the obvious performance problems.

Kelsey Cummings - [EMAIL PROTECTED]         sonic.net
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