I've perused the razor list archives and my take is that they will
release the server daemon once they deal with the trust issues.  They
don't want to have spammers setup a server and go thru and delete all
the hashes from the database.

Besides what difference does it make.  If you are using Spamassassin,
listed in razor is only a score of 3.  Also, I'm seeing spam messages
with unique lines at the tail of the message body which would generate
it's own unique hash.  The unique line is also the id in the To field.
So it may not even pay to register these though I'm doing to see how
many more spams trigger a razor score to see if it does make a

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 1:04 PM
To: Craig Hughes
Cc: Daniel Quinlan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 10:26:49PM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
> I also think DCC is possibly more promising than razor -- last time I 
> looked at it (increasingly long time ago now) DCC looked a bit 
> immature though. Stick a feature request in bugzilla though and I'll 
> take a look again soon.

I, for one, have a major problem with the unavailability of the razor
server.  If I could run my own server, I'd be interested, but as it
stands, their servers are too unreliable for use in a mission-critical


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