On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 11:59:26AM -0800, Scott Doty wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 02:29:14PM -0500, Rose, Bobby wrote:
> > I've perused the razor list archives and my take is that they will
> > release the server daemon once they deal with the trust issues.  They
> > don't want to have spammers setup a server and go thru and delete all
> > the hashes from the database.
> > 
> > Besides what difference does it make.  If you are using Spamassassin,
> > listed in razor is only a score of 3.  Also, I'm seeing spam messages
> > with unique lines at the tail of the message body which would generate
> > it's own unique hash.  The unique line is also the id in the To field.
> > So it may not even pay to register these though I'm doing to see how
> > many more spams trigger a razor score to see if it does make a
> > difference.
> Just a point on the curve...
> While we've had an SA server up for a while, I've personally just started
> using SA just last week.  Out of 35 spams it's caught, 13 were listed in
> Razor, including one that would have otherwise scored under 5.
> One of our senior system administrators, Kelsey, has had contact with Vipul
> -- I understand Vipul is working on incorporating "fuzzy" hashes into Razor
> using the nilsimsa algorithm.   (See http://freshmeat.net/projects/nilsimsa/
> for more information.)

At one point, long ago, Vipul had said something to that affect but I
haven't heard from him for a long time.  (This was about 6 months or more
previous to the /. article.)

Kelsey Cummings - [EMAIL PROTECTED]         sonic.net
System Administrator                    300 B Street, Ste 101
707.522.1000 (Voice)                    Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707.547.2199 (Fax)                      http://www.sonic.net/
Fingerprint = 7F 59 43 1B 44 8A 0D 57  91 08 73 73 7A 48 90 C5

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