On 2/28/02 12:02 PM, "Gunter Ohrner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe SA needs to know some additional non-spam tests to compensate for
> successful spam tests? The current scores look to me as if the GA tried its
> best to avoid false positives which unfortunately contained some
> spam-specific content. (Maybe parts of this list's archive.) Maybe it would
> be more successful if there were other tests commonly successful with
> non-spam (eg. constructs found in mailing lists) which the GA could use to
> score down "regular" emails...

Once 2.11 is out, I'm going to do some looking at which rules are causing
the most false positives and false negatives, and I bet that will lead to
some insight about how to make changes to the rules.  If, for example, we
find that 40% of the false positives all were happening because of one rule,
then we can look at the genuine positives for that rule and see how they
differ from legit email.


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