On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 07:25:03AM -0700, Michael Moncur wrote:
| A few suggested new rules based on my review of some recent MLM spams:
| body MAKING_MONEY               /making money/i
| describe MAKING_MONEY           Discusses making money

This sort of rule would be great for a geek's mailbox (like mine), but
not for a CEO's mailbox.

Either the score for something like this needs to be choosen very
carefully, or rules need to be broken into categories that can be
choosen per-user.  One example : make the default score 0 and tell
geeks to set it higher if they want the rule, but leave it for CEOs.
For the latter idea, come up with a named category like "business"
which geeks can opt-in for inclusion in their tests but CEOs can
opt-out due to the high probability for fasle positives.



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