A few suggested new rules based on my review of some recent MLM spams:

body MAKING_MONEY               /making money/i
describe MAKING_MONEY           Discusses making money

There is a MONEY_MAKING rule already, but not "making money". They could be
combined, but based on recent discussions I wonder if separate rules are

Then again, that one would be low-scoring since there could be false positives.
I think a more specific rule to catch phrases like "making money on the
internet" might score pretty well:

body MAKING_MONEY_INTERNET      /making money.{10}internet/i
describe MAKING_MONEY_INTERNET      Discusses internet money-making

Another MLM catch phrase that I can't imagine appearing in much legitimate

body GUARANTEED_MONEY    /guaranteed to make money/i
describe GUARANTEED_MONEY   Guarantees you'll make money

This one's probably iffy but it seems like a good low-scoring rule:

body RESIDUAL_INCOME     /(?:supplemental|residual) income/i
describe RESIDUAL_INCOME   Discusses supplemental or residual income

Lastly, I'm wondering if this change to the existing NO_SELLING rule would

body NO_SELLING                 /no selling/i
describe NO_SELLING             Claims not to be selling anything

The original regexp included the word "absolutely" but I've seen a few that
just say "No Selling" or "There's no selling involved". Also, the original rule
was case-sensitive and required "NO" to be in caps. These changes might result
in false positives, or at least a lower GA score, though.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean."
                -- G. K. Chesterton

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