On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Andre Bonhote wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 11:09:00PM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:


>> Actually, this raises an interesting issue with AWLs where it'll have
>> no way of knowing you're you and not someone else with whom you
>> regularly correspond, which is probably bad, because as you point
>> out, the spammer can easily say the mail is from you. He's much much
>> less likely to guess someone else who happens to be on your list.
> Well, maybe SA should check for the mailhost or at least which region
> the mailhost belongs to. I mean, I usually send mails from .ch domains
> in switzerland, but this spam came from elsewhere (.com, as usual).

Sadly, that's not going to work too well for me; for a period at my last
job I regularly sent and received mail, aside from a .de with Reply-To
account, another .com.de, a .com.au, a .net and a .org account. :)

It's an AI-complete problem, trying to work out which accounts are and
are not yours. If you /really/ wanted, though, you could write a custom
rule that looked for your accounts and score down something claiming to
be from you without them...


I never watch television because it's an ugly piece of furniture, gives off a
hideous light, and, besides, I'm against free entertainment.
        -- John Waters

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