On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 09:45:09AM -0000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
| The problem with that is a privacy/legal issue. It's illegal [1] to store
| and look at personal emails, unless you're an ISP, and then it's illegal to
| store longer than something like 2 days for technical examination.

Oh.  (I assume the actual wording in the legal docs allow me to store
my own mail ;-))

Perhaps there can be some sort of disclaimer or restriction put on
such an address?  Something like 
    no private/personal mails can be submitted, only public mails
    (ie from a mailing list)
    submitting a message automatically gives permission to
    examine/store/whatever-you-want-to-do with the message

The particular message I mentioned (and two or three more on the same
topic) were part of a discussion on debian-user, a public forum which
is also archived for public viewing.



In the way of righteousness there is life;
along that path is immortality.
        Proverbs 12:28

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