Okay, I'm having some problems getting spamd to run.

As root, when I execute:

# spamd

I get the following error:
bind: Address already in use at /usr/bin/spamd line 143'

Upon investigation, my $addr is not getting a value when it does 
gethostbyname($opt_i || ''); (even if I specify a -i at the
command line).

When I force to $addr and then rerun spamd, I get this new

bind: Cannot assign requested address at /usr/bin/spamd

Any help is appreciated.

I'm running Redhat 6.2 w/2.2.19 & perl-5.00503-10.  I installed all of
the perl modules as per the installation, minus Mail::Audit, since I
plan on running this through procmail, and then migrating to milter



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