I just installed SpamAssassin 2.01 with my vpopmail patches and PostgreSQL for 
user prefs.   I am also using RAV antivirus for qmail.  This is for a small 
dialup ISP (~2500 users).

In less than 12 hours:
incoming Spam: 975
incoming clean: 1613
outgoing virus: 38

37% of all our email is spam!  But there's more...

It seems that the vast *vast* majority of our spam is headed for one user who 
appears to be an active user.  600 of those 975 spam messages were destined 
for one user.  Has anyone run across this type of thing?  Remember this is 
56k dialup, and 600 spam messages were received for *one* client in less than 
12 hours.

The DSN specification for PostgreSQL is slightly different than MySQL.  
Perhaps someone should note it in the documentation somewhere:

e.g.  DBI:Pg:dbname=spamassassin

Another question I have is regarding false positives.  Microsoft Passport 
email verification seems to be caught by the spam filter:
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.01 (devel $Id: SpamAssassin.pm,v 1.61 
2002/01/25 04:41:02 jmason Exp $)
X-Spam-Report:   7.32 hits, 6 required;
  *  2.4 -- SUBJECT: header found
  *  1.0 -- Missing From: header
  *  1.0 -- Missing Date: header
  *  0.7 -- BODY: Contains a line >=199 characters long
  *  1.6 -- Contains phrases frequently found in spam
            [score:  12, hits: com subject, com with, email]
            [address, for more, mail address, more]
            [information, more than, reply this, thank you,]
            [this message, you for, you you, your email, your]
            [mail, your privacy]
  *  0.7 -- Missing To: header

I've found a number of mailing lists which are detected as spam.  What is the 
preferred method of fixing this?  Right now I'm just adding their From: 
addresses in the GLOBAL whitelist_from in SQL.

I anticipated this problem, so I have spamassassin delivering spam into a 
shared IMAP folder that our tech support staff has access to, and a simple 
cron job removes messages older than 30 days.

Anyway I just wanted to share this success and ask a couple of questions.  
Great job guys!


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