On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:25 PM, John Clizbe <jpcli...@gingerbear.net> wrote:

> David Shaw wrote:
>> On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:50 PM, John Clizbe <jpcli...@gingerbear.net> wrote:
>>> Kristian and I were discussing this exact item yesterday. From my reading
>>> of [1], I think 16-digit key IDs should be returned in the mr index. I
>>> /think/ Kristian may also be thinking that way.
>> Ideally, a full fingerprint should be returned in the index.  Second best
>> is the 16-digit key ID.  Third best is the 8-digit key ID.
>> David
> like this?
> http://sks.keyservers.net/pks/lookup?search=0x83EB2E0A&options=mr&op=index

Exactly that.  The intent of that field in the mr output was that it would be 
able to handle fingerprints, 16-digit key ID, or 8-digit key ID, and the client 
should relay those back when actually fetching the key.  GPG will accept any of 
these and do the right thing.


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